Christmas 2005
With older sister Jasmine, Christmas 2006
With Auntie, November 2007
With best friend Shelby, May 2008
Christmas 2008
With her brother Angus, April 2009
My niece Amber is turning 18 tomorrow. Watching her develop from a young girl to a delightful young woman has been just lovely. These photos have been taken over a period of four years so you can see part of this transition for yourselves. Amber's nickname is "Bambi" and she is the second youngest of Tanya's children.
Last year, in Bellagio, Italy, I bought her a small amber cross. For her 18th birthday I have bought her a pretty silver chain so can she can wear her namesake again as her old chain broke.
Tomorrow I hope to bring you some photos of Amber's birthday party.